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RFID Security and Privacy

le 19 avril 2011

de 15h30 à 17h00

ENS Rennes Salle du conseil
Plan d'accès

Intervention de Gildas Avoine, professeur à l'université catholique de Louvain en Belgique (séminaire du département Informatique et télécommunications).

La technologie RFID et les problèmes de sécurité afférents.

Abstract :
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) allows to identify and authenticate objects or subjects without any physical nor optical contact, using transponders - micro-circuits with an antenna - queried by readers through a radio frequency channel. This technology is one of the most promising of this decade and is already widely used in applications such as access cards, public transportation, payment cards, and passports. After an introduction to RFID, we will focus in this talk on the security and privacy research challenges related to this field. We will especially discuss about impersonation and authentication protocols, including (but not limited to) relay attacks and distance bounding protocols.
Formation, Recherche - Valorisation
Claude Jard

Mise à jour le 12 septembre 2019