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Introduction to Model Driven Engineering (MDE)

le 11 décembre 2012

de 15h30 à 17h00

ENS Rennes Salle du conseil
Plan d'accès

Intervention de Jean-Marc Jézéquel (IRISA, Rennes).
Séminaire du département Informatique et télécommunications.

A model is a simplied representation of an aspect of the world for a specic purpose. In complex systems, many aspects are to be handled, from architectural aspects to dynamic behavior, functionalities, user-interface, and extra-functional concerns (such as security, reliability, timeliness, etc.) For software systems, the design process can then be characterized as the weaving of all these aspects into a detailed design model. Model Driven Engineering aims at automating this weaving process, that is automatically deriving software systems from theirs models. This talk will motivate the use of models in complex software systems, and then covers the basic principles of MDE.
Formation, Recherche - Valorisation
François Schwarzentruber

Mise à jour le 9 septembre 2019